Corgi Vintage Bus Lines US55032
PCC Streetcar Diecast Model
Kansas City Public Service Co,
Destination Grand 8th/Swope Park
Kansas City, MO
Limited Edition

1:50 Scale     Length     Width
PCC Streetcar     11"     1.5"

The following is an excerpt from "Streetcars of the Two Kansas Cities: Recalling the Final Years" an article by Don Hutchinson that appeared in Electric Lines magazine in the September / October 1990 Issue. Hutchinson has also assisted in efforts to make the Corgi version as accurate as possible.

I was a 13-year-old rail fan and model railroader when I made my first trip to Kansas City in 1948. Arrival in Kansas City was a thrill in itself. The Kansas City Union Station, which was the third largest in the country, was very busy at the time. I remember coming up the escalator to the long passageway which led to the waiting room door. I thought we were going outside. Instead we came into the terminal proper. Its size, with a huge ceiling and enormous waiting room, was overwhelming. We went outside and walked to a station on Main Street. It wasn't too long until a black and cream PCC car came gliding to a stop. I was about to take my first streetcar ride. I made several trips to Kansas City in later years. Each trip always included several streetcar rides. The Swope Park Line was my favorite because of the long right-of way in the middle of the parkway. The sway of the car and the clickety-clack of the rails had a soothing effect on a hot summer day. People seemed happy going to the park and were in a carefree mood. The ride was faster on this section of the line, since there were fewer stops and fewer vehicles in the way.

Corgi Vintage Bus Lines

The Corgi "Vintage Bus Lines" range presents highly-detailed, ready-made diecast models of mass-transit vehicles.

Corgi "Vintage Bus Lines" diecast vehicles feature: